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bilik tidur video
Why are the hotel sheets and covers white?
2022-03-18 09:14:50

Why are the hotel sheets and covers white?
1. White bed sheets are clean and fade resistant. Hotel bedding needs to be sent to the wash frequently, after washing, drying, disinfection and ironing, white will not appear color fading.
2. The most taboo thing to stay in a hotel is hair and stains. White bedding is easy for the attendant to observe and find, white bedding to the guests staying in the hotel with the feeling that lying in bed is easy for people to relax and help them sleep.

400Thread Count Pima Cotto Hotel Bedspread

400Thread Count Pima Cotto Hotel Bedspread

hak cipta © Foshan Yiroufang Textile Manufacture Co., Ltd. Hak cipta terpelihara

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