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produk baru
  • Lapisan 100% Polyester Tablecloth yang lancar
    120 inci pusingan lancar 100% kain poliester 100% kain lapis

    Terpilih 800D terpilih ternyata lebih kuat, lebih tahan lama. Kelantangan warna 5A, percetakan reaktif dan pencelupan, warna cerah, tidak pernah pudar.

  • Sarung Meja Bulat White Hotel 70 Inci
    Penutup Meja Bulat Putih 70" Inci Pepejal 100% Poliester Tanpa Kedutan Untuk Hotel

    Meja Bulat / Persegi: 100% Poliester 70" Inci Penutup Meja Bulat Putih, sesuai untuk meja kek, meja aksen, meja jamuan lipat, meja berkelah dan meja makan

Emergency Shower Room

The Essential Emergency Shower Room: Your Ultimate Disaster Relief Solution

The Emergency Shower Room is the ultimate solution for all your disaster relief needs. Designed for use in emergency situations, such as natural disasters, military operations, and medical emergencies, this robust and versatile product is a must-have for any rescue operation. With its durability and easy-to-assemble design, the Emergency Shower Room can be set up quickly, providing a safe and hygienic environment for those in need. Available in a range of colors and sizes, the Emergency Shower Room is fully customizable to meet your specific requirements, making it the perfect choice for disaster preparedness and relief efforts.

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