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bilik tidur video
Why are the hotel bed sheets only white? And not other colors?
2022-03-10 09:20:52

Why are the hotel bed sheets only white? And not other colors? There are 4 reasons.

1.Because other colors, the more you wash the color, the more you wash the old; only white will not, it will be washed the whiter, the more clean.

2. white will look clean and tidy. If it is a gray bed sheet with stains hair on it, then you will think that this sheet is not washed?

1000 Count Cotton Embroidered Comforter Set Hotel White

1000 Count Cotton Embroidered Comforter Set Hotel White

3. Everyone has their own favorite colors and preferences. Some people like blue, some people like green. That white is a color that people do not resent, so the sheets are generally selected white.

4. White hotel bed sheets fall things. Just a glance can see it.

1000 Thread Count Cotton Hotel Linen Sheets

1000 Thread Count Cotton Hotel Linen Sheets

hak cipta © Foshan Yiroufang Textile Manufacture Co., Ltd. Hak cipta terpelihara

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