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White Bedding and White Bed Linen for Hotel
- 2018-07-04 11:21:15

Have you ever wondered why all the hotels you visit or the movies you watch always have crispy white bed sheets and towels? Here are some of the reasons why you’ll never find a colorful bed and bath linen in any hotel:

hotel white bed sheets

1. White Looks Clean and Fresh

You are always sure of white bed sheets and pure color towels because you believe they are clean if they look clean. Any stain or dust on white linen will never go unnoticed, therefore, white linen ensures cleanliness and hygiene. When dirty, guests will immediately know that the towel or bed sheet is not thoroughly washed but also ensures guests that all is well if it looks well. Not to forget, white linen is easier to clean and hotels don’t have to worry about washing colors separately.

pure color towel factory

2. Replacement is Easier

When you need to buy in bulk, white is the safest option because you would always get an extra pair of bed sheets and towels of the same shade, without having to worry about replacing the entire set. All possible designs and fabrics are available in white so you would always get your desired product, saving you the trouble of looking around for a match. Since hotels have to maintain a uniformity in their rooms and not necessarily purchase for all the rooms together, white linen is a great option.


3. Helps Housekeeping Staff in Management

The housekeeping staff is at ease with white hotel linen, as it saves them the time and effort to match colors and look for similar shades. With hundreds of rooms in a hotel, it is difficult for the staff to manage colored bed sheets and towels, restricting the easy flow of work. When the bed sheets, top sheets, pillows and towels can be placed in any room, because everything is uniform and white, the housekeeping work becomes easier. Some hotel supply companies have colored hems on a white bed sheet making it even more convenience to identify the sizes.

YRF Textile , China professional hotel supplies manufacturer,you can get more hotel bedding sets at factory price.  Our website:www.yrftextile.com

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